Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde CHRISTUSKIRCHE * Wolfshof 3 * 37154 Northeim


We invite everybody to discover our community! We come from different countries and cultures and want to follow Christ.


Our Vision

  • As a congregation, we are on a journey together to become more Christ-like and to practice the Christian faith.
  • Reconciled with God through Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, we form a community rooted in the love of God.
  • Characterized by our freedom in Christ, we take care of one another and support each other.
  • Everybody is invited to join us and our community of faith.
  • Everyone is free to find their own way to participate and contribute.

Threefold vision

  • encounter Christ
  • walk together
  • lead a changed life

Mission Statement Community

  • We are a church for people of all generations and backgrounds.
  • We create an atmosphere where everyone is accepted and can feel comfortable.
  • To this end, our interactions with one another are open, honest and respectful.
  • We share our lives and our faith in the freedom that Christ gives us and support each other in everyday life.

Mission Statement Discipleship

  • In following Christ, we are guided by the Bible.
  • Our whole life is shaped by Christ. We let ourselves be guided and changed by him (in work, leisure, possessions, relationships).
  • We reflect on our own faith and our actions and let ourselves be challenged about life as followers.
  • Living in community, we help each other to put faith into practice in everyday life.

Mission Statement Worship

  • As a congregation, we give glory to God in freedom, diversity and creativity expressing our love for Him.
  • With our lives we praise God and worship him because he exists, he created the world and turns to us in love.
  • We stand before God regardless of responsibilities, achievements, success and relationships.

Mission Statement Ministry

  • As a congregation, we discover, awaken, and nurture our spiritual and natural gifts.
  • We encourage involvement in the church and offer guidance. Our ministry is to do the right thing at the right time.
  • On behalf of Christ, we serve our neighbors and seek their best interests.
  • We embrace our shared responsibility for peace, justice, and the integrity of creation.

Mission Statement Evangelism

  • We believe that God loves all people unconditionally. Therefore, the most important thing in life is a relationship with Christ.
  • We bring people into contact with Christ and find exciting and creative ways to take them on the journey of faith in word and deed.
  • We build bridges to people by listening to their concerns, worries and needs and meeting them right where they are.








